25/23 Belden Way
Elevations - 25 Belden Way
25 Belden Way
5 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
2,981 Square Feet
2-Car Wide Garage
408 SQ FT Deck
Bonus Space For Office
Duplex Residence
Price - $2,450,000
Click Below For Enlarged Floor Plans
Elevations - 23 Belden Way
23 Belden Way
4 Bedrooms
3 Bathrooms
1,845 Square Feet
3 Parking Spaces
106 SQ FT Deck
Bonus Space For Office
Resident Occupied *
Price - $1,765,000
Click Below For Enlarged Floor Plans
* The neighborhood has 2 types of classification- Free Market and Resident Occupied:
Free Market properties have potential to Short-Term Rent (STR) adhering to the Town of Minturn Municipal Code Chapter 6, Article 7 (Ord. 4-2017, §3; Ord. 7-2020 §2). Resident Occupied can be owner occupied or if the owner wants to rent it must be a Long-Term Rental with a minimum 9-month lease. The town mandated this to limit the potential number of STR's inundating the town with Short-Term Rentals.